CSC Corporate Satellite Communications Management

Leaders in Network Infrastructure Services

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9th Digital Ship Athens 2011

CSC attends Digital Ship's annual Greek Conference in Athens on Nov 22 – 23, 2011.

The event’s theme was “Bringing the Ship Closer to the Office.”  The main topics addressed during the two-day sessions were Developments with Satellite Communications and Maritime Technology & Business.  Talks focused on the latest developments of VSAT in commercial on-board environments and added value services such as monitoring functionalities.

Inmarsat, Iridium, Navarino Telecom and Otesat-Maritel were among the main sponsors of the event.

The presence of satellite operators and service providers as exhibitors was quite beneficial to customers allowing them to discuss their technical concerns with a diverse group. The conference provided CSC with the right opportunity to meet with our current customers and to introduce our services to others.  CSC provides Global Marine VSAT C-Band service world-wide, supporting a vast array of maritime customers. 

CSC was very pleased with the event and the facilities provided by Digital Ship and plans on attending additional shipping events. The next Digital Ship event will be held in Hamburg, Germany on February 1 – 2, 2012.


For further information, please contact:

Charles E. Sackermann Jr., Managing Member                   Alfredo Procoli,

CSC Florida, Inc.                                                                Director of Global Business Development

Phone: 201-930-0533                                                        US main: 201-930-0533

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it                                     US cell: 786-397-0728

                                                                                            ITA main: +39 388 3467059

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